ND, Reflexologist

What are 10 misconceptions about cancer?

1.Hyperbaric oxygen treat cancer Oxygen is one of life's essential ingredients. "Every cell in our body requires oxygen to survive," says Wissam Jaber, MD, Director of Interventional Pulmonary Medicine at our Phoenix hospital. "We are built to consume oxygen." Cancer cells' relationship with oxygen is a bit more complicated, and that realization ha...
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12 benefits of Walking

Walking is a great way to improve our health without straining your joints, and it's totally free. Getting out walking burns calories, gets your heart pumping and works your legs and abs. It can also lift your mood, put a smile on your face and improve your general health and wellbeing. A University of Tennessee study found that women who walked ha...
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Did COVID-19 save the world?

It looks like a war, with casualties and losses of human lives. While the origin of the virus is still under investigation, the medical community seems to agree that the virus was first found in animals, and then it moved to humans. Meat consumption of infected animals seems the most plausible reason of Covid-19 pandemic. From a Zen perspective it ...
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What are 3 main threats to our health?

Yes, I don't differentiate between body and mental health because I consider both related and actually one thing, as the concept of spacetime in physics. Can we have a healthy body when our mind is in trouble? Apparently the body may work fine, but without motivation and human values [1] our actions will be void. Conversely, a brilliant mind encaps...
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How does the holistic health approach help in your mental well-being?

​ When our mind goes out of balance, we may call it a Mental health disorder.  It is a signal, calling to re establish the lost balance, and most of the time we can restore the original balance (homeostasis) with just a little effort. The holistic approach is to look at the world , and ourselves, as one entity, where everything is connected. T...
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Is the Soul the Heart and Mind of the Human Being?

​ The Soul, or Atma [1] is the real nature of Man and anything else in the universe. We can think of it as a beam of light , that although without qualities, makes the world visible to the eye. In common language we often refer to the Heart as the emotional part of the mind, but it's just another name for the mind itself, which is a bundle of desir...
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Is Iridology a diagnostic tool?

​ No, Iridology is a tool that looks for genetics predispositions, it's not a science, nor a diagnostic tool. So it's no surprise if an Iridologist is unable to diagnose a medical condition using Iridology. Iridology has been labeled as a fraud by the medical community, but that doesn't means it cannot be applied successfully by a practitioner who ...
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Optimum Nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow

​ COVID taught us that eating animals and selling their flesh under poor hygiene, can be risky for humans.  Most pandemics originated from animals, where poor hygiene allowed pathogens to spread and attack humans. For example, take the Spanish Flu, and the 14th century plague. They were carried by birds, and rats respectively, resulting in mor...
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Obesity rivals smoking as cause of cancer, UK charity warns

Obesity is rivalling smoking as a cause of cancer, responsible for more cases of bowel, kidney, ovarian and liver cancer than cigarettes, according to the UK's leading cancer charity. Smoking is still the biggest cause of cancer, but Cancer Research UK (CRUK) has warned that government action to tackle obesity is vital, because it is a significant ...
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Cancer is not 'bad luck', 5-points, and the 0-5-30 rule

According to Vogelstein's study, we can't do much against 'bad luck' but we can succeed in controlling other factors like lifestyle, and nutrition.  [1] For example, we could adopt the 0-5-30 rule: 0 cigarettes, at least 5 portions of fresh fruit and vegetables, and 30 minutes of moderate exercise. Cancer is a complex topic, and a big business...
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5 Superpowers we didn't know we had

​ Since Marvel movies took over the industry, and Greta mentioned her advantage over their critics, superpowers have become cooler than ever. In this article I'd like to focus more on those powers that everyone has inside and that will deliver great value if we could use them. What uncle Ben once told Peter, has become famous: "with great powers, c...
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White meat as bad as red beef when it comes to cholesterol

The red meat or white meat debate is a draw: Eating white meat, such as poultry, will have an identical effect on your cholesterol level as eating red beef, new research indicates. The long-held belief that eating white meat is less harmful for your heart may still hold true, because there may be other effects from eating red meat that contribute t...
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Clarity & Charity

​ We often see people looking for help, and we usually have different behaviors about it. Probably the basic question is: why should I help others? In general helping others is always appropriate, regardless of the situation. But the answer is not so obvious, as there are multiple situations where helping could take different forms and trigger diff...
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Choose your Partner

​ This topic is complex, and of course it has many dependencies, but I'll try to simplify things in order to highlight few basic concepts that I think remain valid in many situations. I'm assuming you're looking for your partner, either husband, wife, or just the right person with whom you'll be happy to live, as long as it goes. This assumption ex...
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Iridology Basics.

Iridology is a powerful, non-invasive tool aimed to study how body's organs and tissues, reflect in the irides. Iridology is often used with other disciplines like chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture, to help you achieving optimal health. Iridology is a discipline based on the analysis of the iris, and provide important insight to predisposition...
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How to treat Menstrual Headache

​ According to WHO (World Health Organization) mental health diseases are expected to rank second by 2020, behind ischaemic heart disease, but ahead of all other diseases. Why do we have such a massive mental health conditions? I think there are multiple reasons, but probably the main ones are found in our lifestyle, genetics and environment. The W...
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Up to 60,000 cases of depression in UK could be avoided if teenagers stay off cannabis, study says

 Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent  As many as 60,000 cases of depression in adults could have been avoided by preventing teenagers trying cannabis, researchers behind a major new analysis have said. In the largest study to date, researchers from Canada and Oxford University found robust evidence that trying the drug before the age ...
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Homeopathy 'treatments' must be labeled as "they do not work", US government orders

Andrew Buncombe New York ​ The Federal Trade Commission has demanded that producers of homeopathic treatments say on the label that they do not work There is a huge market in the US for homeopathic remedies . In 2007 alone, it was estimated Americans spent more than $3bn on a controversial system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Ha...
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Obesity rivals smoking as cause of cancer, UK charity warns

By Deepak Chopra, M.D. ​ In the past forty years, meditation has entered the mainstream of modern Western culture, prescribed by physicians and practiced by everyone from business executives, artists, and scientists to students, teachers, military personnel, and – on a promising note – politicians. Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan meditates every morning ...
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Yoga Sutra of Patanjali

Wikipedia  The Yoga Sutras are a composite of various traditions. The levels of samādhi taught in the text resemble the Buddhist jhanas . According to Feuerstein, the Yoga Sutras are a condensation of two different traditions, namely "eight limb yoga" (ashtanga yoga) and action yoga ( Kriya yoga ). Patanjali begins his treatise by stating the ...
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