CLA - Certified Lifestyle Advisor

Price: 800.00 GBP



Become a Certified Lifestyle Advisor
At Fempton we believe in Natural Medicine driven by scientific research, and human values. This course is designed to form a qualified Lifestyle Advisor able to assist the individual with holistic practices that focus on establishing optimal health balance. After completing this course you'll be able to support your patients with natural therapies based on Massage, Ayurveda, Yoga, TCM, and Tai Chi. You're free to complete this course at your own pace, no dates or time restrictions within the validity of your subscription. This course includes the following courses: MAY TCI

In summary you'll learn:

  • Massage, Ayurveda, and Yoga
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Tai Chi Chuan

We believe in ethical scientific research driven by Human Values, we support the Manifesto of Natural Medicine, and our approach to education aims to develop a collaborative environment for all students.

  Our Certifications
  • CIR: Certified Iridologist
  • NLP: Certified Nutrition Advisor
  • CLA: Certified Lifestyle Advisor
  • CND: Certified Doctor in Natural Medicine

Professional Development Units are optional, except for CLA, and CND certifications.
Please visit the page PDU to know more