Every condition may have different causes, and what works for you, may not work for others. The short answer is that you probably need to understand first what is Natural Medicine [8], and then you can possibly try to find a good Natural Doctor (ND) with a little help from Google. In general, a MD treat the disease, whereas a ND 'treat' the individual (holistically).

But let step back a moment and see what may happen if you ask a MD (Medical Doctor), or a ND about your mental problem. The following factors usually apply to both:

  • Skills
  • Mistakes
  • Communication
  • Dependencies
  • Return

Both ND and MD could be very skilled in their respective field, but the risk of getting a ND less capable to address your problem may be higher. Natural Medicine is not regulated by any Government, so you could get a person who become a ND overnight.
On the other side, having a degree in Medicine doesn't automatically make a good doctor either. [9]

Human errors may always happen, no matter your role, or if you've a PhD from a top university.
However, since a MD can access potentially harmful medications, mistakes can have very serious consequences in this case. A 2016 study, found that in US the 3rd leading cause of death as due to medical errors including wrong diagnosis.[2] According to the World Health Organization, globally 40% of patients are harmed in primary health care, with most errors related to diagnosis, and wrong prescriptions. [3]
On the other side, sometimes in the news we find 'creative' NDs that claim to cure cancer with carrot-juice, and that is also dangerous (for both).

Communication is a two-way process, and a patient may have missed to disclose few important details to the doctor, maybe because she was distracted or because she didn't trust the doctor.
When mistakes happen in the healthcare, patients usually pay the toll, and this apply regardless of the specialist you have visited.
A good MD or ND should have very good communication skills, but this may not happen.

Usually you walk away from a MD with some prescriptions, but a ND too may 'suggest' some dietary supplements. In both cases you may enter into a dependency of external factors. From the safety perspective, both synthetic drugs and supplements may be unsafe, with the added risk that a synthetic drug could be more dangerous to health, especially in the long term.
For example, decades ago (synthetic) antibiotics were considered a 'miracle', until WHO declared antibiotic resistance (MRSA) as one of the most serious global threats of modern age.[4] The 'miracle' insecticide DDT, declared by scientists as safe, was withdrawn from the market because they found it carcinogenic. Many other drugs have been recalled by FDA because of their harmful effects, and the addiction to painkillers has become another global threat. [5][6]

Usually a practitioner will charge for his services, but in case of a MD, the big-pharma industry make sure to extend additional compensations, and not always transparently. [10]
This of course may apply to any business, but expensive drugs (eg. to treat cancer) , drive stellar revenues (trillions dollars) compared to the revenues of the natural-supplements. [7]

Bottom Line
Both MD and ND consultations have their own pro and cons, and ideally we should become more aware of our own health, because most of the time our body-mind complex do send us the signal. Unfortunately, most of the time, we're too busy to listen, or we assume that the cause is something else.
My suggestion is to get in touch with a practitioner [11] that could listen and treat you holistically, because if we don't understand the root cause, we risk to go in circle, while our condition may deteriorate further.


[2] Global medical errors

[3] Patient safety

[4] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/antibiotic-resistance

[5] https://www.mdlinx.com/article/10-dangerous-drugs-recalled-by-the-fda/lfc-4008
[6] https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/painkillers-fuel-growth-in-drug-addiction
[7] //www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190625005862/en/11.9-Trillion-Global-Healthcare-Market-Key-Opportunities
[8] https://www.fempton.com/uxton/blog3/2020-06-06-19-47-32

[9] https://www.nhs.uk/news/medical-practice/charity-report-shows-examples-of-bad-nhs-care/

[10] //www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/06/30/big-pharma-cash-hospitality-doctors-rises-one-three-refuses/

[11] https://www.fempton.com/uxton/book-a-visit