By Feng Yan Li on Friday, 14 June 2019
Category: Blog

Iridology meets TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).

TCM is ancient heritage of China, based on a medical tradition of more than 2000 years.
It's based on a broad range of practices and concepts which have been developed in China, and some probably influenced by the Indian culture. These practices include various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (Tui na), exercise (qigong), and nutrition therapy. In this context TCM, like other disciplines (Ayurveda), starts with a philosophical view of the world, and then tries to apply that vision to the body-mind complex of the human being. Essentially humans are not seen as separate organisms, but as part of the whole, the Nature, which includes the world and the universe.

If you think of a child birth, you see that distant bodies have a deep influence on it. For example the Sun is supporting life on the Earth, and none of us would have been born without it.
The Sun also has a mechanism to control its own strong magnetic field through its Sunspots, a kind of mini dark holes, that helps the homeostasis of the Sun. Eventually the whole matter in the universe tend to stability, and this is the meaning of Tao in TCM. The symbol of Tao is a visual description of the duality in the universe, which tend to a point of balance. If we look carefully there is a balance in all we do, and our actions have a reaction, resound, and reflection according to the Indian culture, although this goes mostly unnoticed to many of us. The principles of Tao apply to the entire universe, not just the human body.

For example, if blood accumulate or is blocked in some region of the body, you may incur in a vascular disorder, which may lead to serious diseases like a stroke, or infarction.
Likewise in our society, if we accumulate money, without giving it back to the community, for example as form of investment, then poverty could develop in other areas of the community.
If we ignore the basic needs of people, and do nothing to help others, soon or later others will impact our life too, because everything is connected. Facebook and other social media, are just miming this connectivity which already exist at a more subtle level with everything else.

More importantly TCM is not just concerned with the physical body, but with the emotions that are a manifestation of its own status, and this apply to humans and other beings. If my belly is not right, I may have a headache, and my mood could dive underground because of it. In TCM an organ, say the Heart, is not just a mechanical pump, but it's paired with other parts of the body beyond the boundaries of western anatomy, and it respond to emotions like joy. Think at how a couple feels happy when they stay together. Time itself seems to stop in a hug. This is the heritage that our ancestors in China have discovered over centuries, and though I'm conscious that modern science has many reservations about it, we still practice these principles and see that they're valid, even if not supported by the medical community.
Because we don't fully understand it, it doesn't mean that it should not work.

Iridology is a tool used to study signs visible on the eye, and their correlation with organs and tissues in the body. You can consider Iridology as a pre-diagnostic tool, which helps to understand your constitution (genetically acquired at birth). The definition of science implies that events must be predictable. Iridology cannot predict events based on experimental observation, therefore strictly speaking it's not a science, and you cannot use it to diagnose a medical condition.

Nevertheless this tool can be very interesting as it gives us an important insight of the underlying root causes of a disease, even before it get noticed through its own typical symptoms. The key factor of Iridology is that it's based on a holistic approach, and it doesn't try to decompose the whole in parts and treat the symptoms, but rather it works hand in hand with modern research and natural remedies which are designed to strengthen the body, rather than make it depended on medications. The word holistic, which tends to offend most of the orthodox doctors, simply refer to an approach that includes the whole body-mind complex. As we cannot separate an electrical charge in Physics, so we cannot separate body and mind, as the ancient Greeks found more than 2000 years ago.

The Iridology Chart which I helped to develop, is based on TCM principles, and we believe it opens the door to a layer of possibilities which were not available before.
As often happen, the wisdom of our ancestors may reveal dimensions that we didn't expect, if only we approached those principles with humility and respect.
For example, in 2015 Tu Youyou, a Chinese chemist, won the Nobel Prize for medicine thanks to her research on herbal treatments found in TCM. She discovered artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin, used to treat malaria, and saving millions of lives in developing countries such as South Asia, Africa, and South America.

Galileo was put on trial by the Church, because of his discoveries on the solar system, and now the question is: how many things are out there that we do not understand, and we may even disregard as fancy?
Sure there are obvious fake's news and claims, but I think an educated mind should be able to discriminate from true and false. The concept of Educare is key in this, as I think ignorance is the most dangerous thing in this world. We should probably be cautious, but keep an open mind on the many things that are beyond our understanding. I think this will allow us to accept new ideas, and to change what we know, since without change we cannot improve.

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