By Priya Sudarshan on Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Category: Blog

Why some people get involved in the sex industry?

I think there are at least 3 factors : 

Personal gain is probably one of the top driving forces in tis context.
This doesn't necessarily be money, though it probably is for most people.
Short term reward, belonging to a group, fighting insecurities or mental conditions, may also trigger the need for a personal gain. Of course, personal gain is also the primary objective of any common job, like working at he post office or selling cars.

Energy balance is something that mostly unconsciously tend to drive the individual.
According to Ayurveda and Hinduism [1], the 2 lowest Chakra in our body are Muladhara and Svadistana.
Chakra are energy nodes where the vital-energy of the body (Prana) flows. When the energy is free to flow, the chakra is said to be open. Chakra are projected on the human spine, though they don't have a physical counterpart in modern medicine. There are 7 primary chakra starting from the base of the spine up to the head.

Muladhara is projected at the base of the spine, and because of its location with the act of excretion, it is associated with the anus. Muladhara is considered the foundation of the "energy body" and is linked to desire.

Svadhishthana is projected at the root of sexual organs.
This chakra is blocked by fear, especially the fear of death. Opening this chakra can boost creativity, manifested desire and confidence. Svadishtana is often associated with pleasure, relationships, sensuality and procreation.
This chakra is also linked to the unconscious and emotions, and is closely related to Muladhara.
Svadhishthana contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desires.

So, from an energetic perspective, the blockage of the energy flow in these 2 chakra may prompt the individual to re-establish a balance. This often means to engage with the associated organs and by doing so, the individual feels relieved.

In the Indian tradition, Karma [2] is the law of action and reaction.
There is also something similar in Physics called the 3rd law of Newton: "If two bodies exert forces on each other, these forces have the same magnitude, but in opposite directions"

Karma extends beyond one's physical life, and in general is a concept present in most religions. It can be summarized as "don't hurt others if you don't want to be hurted."
But since all beings are connected, the key element is that we may enjoy or suffer for someone else action.
This should be a common experience. For example, somebody discovered the electricity and now we have trains, cars, health equipments and computers that can help us in our daily lives.
Conversely, we may suffer for something we did, or someone else did.
For example, we cross the road and we get hit by a car, or we develop a disease because the industry used harmful chemicals in our food.
AS you can see we're all connected and it's a misconception to consider karma as limited to our own actions.

We can also re-establish the energy balance in our body-mind complex by practicing Yoga and in particular, the Human Values [3]
Human values are easy to practice because they're natural to all human beings. They're effective on cleaning the mind from its own illusions, and to help the individual evolving beyond the senses.



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